Saturday, April 09, 2005

e-mentality Squad @ SW

Check the figure below that sketches how e-mentality squad will assimilate existing Semantic Web applications and technologies...


Content-oriented Navigation II: URI

I'm one of the SW mailing list readers tired of never ending URI discussions. Definitely I do not want to contribute to these discussions. But I need to describe how it is going to be solved in Vodyanoi and also to reference this description from the other posts building on top of this feature.

So just a few insights...

  • URI = URN u URL.

  • While URN identifies resource, URL describes (temporal) location of its representations.

  • Do not mix URN semantics with URLs.

  • URN can be (temporarily) resolved to multiple URLs - per (REST) representation.

  • Once defined, URN never perish and never should be reused for another entity. In case of resource is no longer interesting or it is obsolete, you may mark it as "discarded".

  • You should define unique URNs - you may ensure that it will be unambiquous using pattern like:
      urn:[your domain]:[project]:[{your ID}]:[resource]
    for example:

  • Avoid usage of URLs in the meaning of URNs i.e. SW identification of the resource should not start with a specific scheme like http:// - use rather some URN like shown above. Only thus you will avoid confusion URNs with URLs. In other words urn:com:e-mental:mindraider:dvorka:refactoring-review resource you may get using various protocols (http:// ftp://) in various representations ((X)HTML, TXT, etc.).

  • Although human readable URNs should be treaten as opaque! I.e. you should not for example parse URN in order to get name of the resource author or domain.

  • See also Content based navigation post.

...and that's it. No flamewar please :-)


Sunday, April 03, 2005

Gnowsis & MindRaider Synergy

For some time I'm in touch with Leo Sauermann - head of the Gnowsis project. Gnowsis semantic desktop is unique supa cool piece of software allowing you to interchange information among key applications you are using - like Firefox, Thunderbird and Outlook.

In fact, Leo discovered MindRaider and asked me whether I would like to integrate MR with Gnowsis project - I was surprised & delighted. Integration with Gnowsis will enable MindRaider to attach any resource (like email, bookmark, link, etc) that will be known to Gnowsis to arbitrary Concept ;-) On the other hand, via Gnowsis it will be possible to associate thoughts & ideas created in MindRaider with your homepage, blog or interesting mail you received from your friend.

Integration effort as at the beginning - stay tuned...


MR 0.509

Today I released new version of MindRaider. This release brings two major features - experimental version of URIQA browser and Drag&Drop support for Concept attachments. Also I improved searching, Folder/Notebook refactoring and made a few minor fixes. As usually you may download from:

Enjoy :-D


Think Different & Enjoy Raider Style

In order to use MindRaider efficiently you have to change your stereotypes. Instead of making a dozens of text/doc/sxd files and notes that are spread across the file system, write all your thoughts directly to MindRaider and represent them as Concepts. Thus you will have all your thoughts organized into one complex mindmap, that will enable you to navigate, search, combine and reuse your ideas quickly.

Of course, there is a lot of other (meta)data related to particular thought. MindRaider is here to help you with correlation of all of these resources (like documents, links, images, etc.) that are relevant to that thought.

Check also Drag&Drop section of MR documentation for further details.
