Sunday, February 20, 2005

Content-oriented Navigation

This post aims to point out on one of the most important features of the cognitive base representation in Vodyanoi.

Consider this:

At the beginning, web was formed by a few web pages. Early search engines were born. They examined pages innards and enabled users to find them using keywords like child. Search engines were able to serve all the pages containing particular keyword ... unfortunately it was the nightmare for their users. Programmers were reading about pregnancy, pacifiers and playsuits, while mothers were studying DOM data model, OS process hierarchy and red-black trees operations complexity...

Then Google era started. Altavista/All the web/... and all blind garrulous crawlers were forgotten. Sophisticated relevance heuristics helped to differentiate pearls from the garbage. Google became the first reasonable step towards to content-orinted web and location independence. Imagine the Internet where you will get what you want just by clicking the proper concept - no more doggie-cats. Pages can be without problems migrated from site to site without breaking links in your browser. But that was not still enough - mothers and programmers were still forced to study "off topic" text...

To rescue these wretches - Grokker came in hurry to help. Trying to guess what user wants to find, it finally enabled users to browse within the proper thematical domain once it was identified. It made mothers and programmers almost happy...

... you have probably already read similar story while browsing some Sematic Web site. To continue with, let me compare current state of the information representation on the web with the world according to Vodyanoi rulez.

In the Vodyanoi network are concept URNs that matters. URL serves as immediate location of the resource that was just resolved. URLs are for URNs, what is IP address for hostname in the Internet. URN oriented RDF models and resource content is resolved on demand and used for navigation and searching.

MindRaider users intentionally represent they thoughts as URN identified concepts that are in turn released to the semantic oriented world to be annotated, reused and searched.

Perhaps one day there will be such content-oriented (semantic) web born and MR will fit that world... I still hope ;-)
