Build MindRaider with Maven 2
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Prerequisities to build MR distribution:

- Log in to SourceForge CVS:
/cvsroot/mindraider login - When prompted for a password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key.
- Checkout MindRaider7 CVS module (to a directory e.g. CVS):
cvs -z3\
/cvsroot/mindraider co -P mindraider7 - Build MindRaider distribution:
cd CVS/mindraider7 && mvn install - Find the distribution in the directory:
CVS/mindraider7/mr7-release/target - Unpack the distribution (in a directory e.g. MR)
- Change to directory:
MR/mindraider-7.1 - Run MindRaider:
java -jar run.jar
To start development in Eclipse:
- Create Eclipse project:
cd CVS/mindraider7/mr7 && mvn eclipse:eclipse - Import the created project to Eclipse and open the mr7 project.
- Open class MindRaiderApplication and run it as Java Application
And that's it.
Labels: maven, mindraider
I plan to try building your project using Eclipse. I hope you are making good progress. I looked at the early versions of MindRaider, and it is very interesting. Keep up the great work!
I wish I had the coding skills needed to help, but I am still learning Java/Swing/etc. Delphi is my normal development tool, so I think Java will be easy to learn (they are similar syntax and OOP).
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